Here you’ll find some frequently asked questions regarding our app.
How can I buy the premium content without a credit card?
You can easily purchase our in-app-products without a credit card: Google Gift Cards: You can buy these gift cards in some countries. More information here. Austria: You can get a cash4web prepaid bon here. Other: Try a prepaid creditcard service.
How can I transfer my purchases to other devices
All your purchases are tied to your purchasing Google account and are automatically activated on all devices with this account. You can, therefore, easily use our premium content on all Android devices that you own.
Can I transfer my purchase to another Google account?
Unfortunately, Google does not allow to transfer purchases of apps between accounts. Thus, it is strongly advised to purchase the premium content with the right Google account. If more than one accounts are present, you can select the purchasing account in the checkout dialogue.
Is the price a one-time fee or a subscription?
The price for the premium content is a one-time fee, allowing you unlimited use and lifelong free updates.
How can I install the widget?
- If you have Android 2, long-press on a free spot on the home screen. Then select Widget, and Le Bon Mot.
- If you have Android > 3 or higher, open your launcher, click on widgets and long-press on Le Bon Mot.
You can now place the widget everywhere you want. On Android 4.0 and higher, you can freely resize the height of the widget.

Android Widget 2.x

Android Widget 4.x
I love the background songs. What are the lyrics?
We transcribed the background songs for you. Enjoy! 🙂
I have another problem
Please write us an e-Mail with your problem description, steps you did before it occurred and optional screenshots at We will get back to you shortly!